Welcome to our online booking site
Welcome to Fix! We have two locations. Please ensure you know where your appointment is booked.
- Please wear (or bring) clothing that is comfortable to move in and exposes the area of your complaint.
- Please note that regrettably we do not accept WSBC claims (work-related injuries).
- Did you know? Virtual counselling appointments are available with RCC Kerry Moon and Student Counsellor Naomi Aris Horii
- FEE CHANGES: Some of our treatment fees have increased for physio, RMT, and Sandy Zinkowski and Marlène Bouchard’s services. Posted prices are reflective of those changes.
- SELKIRK ACUPUNCTURE: Acupuncturist Andrea Baudic will be retiring at the end of March after 7+ years with Fix and 13+ years in practice. It’s been a joy working with her and she’ll be much missed but we wish her all the best for her very much deserved retirement. <3 Acupuncturist Shyama Jaswal is taking over Andrea’s practice and is happy to see you as a returning patient if you have seen Andrea previously.
- RMT LARISSA CYMBALUK will not be accepting new patients in 2025 and is no longer able to accommodate recurring weekly or biweekly appointments unless previously discussed.